Thursday, May 13, 2010

Top 3 Worst Torture Devices Ever

Why do people get so interested in the macabre and horrendous side of human nature? Famous serial killers are fascinating to hear about and I do love all those lame crime shows on TV. I fell like we can't really help it though. It's pure curiosity to want to know about the things most of us never have to deal with. Of course, also to just know about them from a safe distance. I'm not really one for horror movies or video games, but from what I can see Americans love violence and being terrified. They eat that shit up. Maybe it's because of human progression from the violent wild into a repressed civilized society? We just don't see enough of it anymore? I really want to understand it. Like for example, torture devices. Humans once spent sooo much time focused on the science of killing someone in the most elaborately gruesome way possible.

Top 3 Worst Torture Devices Ever....
Usually they would set up an execution in a public area in order to put on a good show. The Brazen Bull was made so you couldn't see the trapped person within it, and instead only saw a bull sculpture that made a muffled noise through it's nostrils (which were the sounds of the person inside screaming as they were burned to death). Unlike most execution shows, this device detached the audience from the victim. Regardless though, I feel people would show up either way. The Iron Maiden and Judas Cradle were pretty awful too.
The Iron Maiden - designed so the spikes wouldn't hit vital organs of the victim, and therefore they would stay around for a while bleeding to death and in a lot of pain. Some even had spikes positioned to go into the eyes.

Judas Cradle/Chair - Yeah people sat on top of that. (Spanish Donkey is similar to this, where a victim is pulled down slowly by weights until they eventually get split in half.) The Spanish Inquisition was not a pleasant time.

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