Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Top Heartwrenching Movies Of All Time

I was looking through youtube and decided to click on one of the videos displayed on the side. It was entitled "20 saddest movie moments". It sucked. Although it did include a few sad movies like The Green Mile and Click (that one scene with the dad and the coin trick oh god I'm such a pussy). Soooo anyways, I decided to make a list (and maybe more later on). I finally decided to get "with it" in the whole online thing and to create my first blog account.

My List of the
(basically any movie where I needed a tissue and a hug in the end)

The Shawshank Redemption
(The very old prison librarian who has been there for decades is finally set free. The outside world has changed since he has gone to jail. He can't deal with it, and after carving BROOKS WAS HERE into the wood beam, hangs himself wearing a nice suit.)

Midnight Cowboy
(Ratso gets increasingly sicker throughout the movie. His dream is to go to Miami, so Joe buys tickets to Florida for the both of them. During a rest stop, Joe buys himself and Ratso colorful patterned t-shirts. Ratso is sick and dies right before the bus arrives there. Whole movie is pretty depressing though.)

The Straight Story
(An old man who doesn't have a driver's license instead drives his lawn mower across states to visit his dying brother who he wants to make amends with before he dies.)

American History X
(A neo nazi realizes his faults when asked in jail "has anything you've done made your life better?". He saves his younger brother from going down the same path, but it turns out to be too late.)

25th Hour
(The drug dealer Edward Norton is driven to jail by his father. His father narrates as you see what Edward's life could be like if he doesn't go to jail, and instead just keeps driving. They show Edward old surrounded by his wife and children explaining how if he had gone to jail they would have never existed. It then shows Edward merely having slept the whole time his father had explained the possibilities of bailing on jail.)

The Hours
(The little boy who was abandoned by his depressed mother grows up to be a very depressed writer dying of AIDS. He explains how he had always loved Meryl Streep right before he commits suicide by falling out his window.)

The Green Mile
(Executing an innocent man and knowing it as you give the orders. A wholesome big black guy without sin, and who may possess heavenly-like qualities.)

The Bridges of Madison County
(A rejected Clint looks at his love Meryl Streep from across the street. Is he crying or is the rain? They want to be with each other but Meryl decides she can't leave her family no matter how much they deeply love each other.)

The Notebook
(After all that romantic shit, She remembers despite her Alzheimer's but only for short moments. During one of those moments of remembering, they die holding each other)

(Rose lives a long full life after surviving the Titanic going down. As an old lady she dies peacefully in her sleep, and she dreams/her heaven is with Jack and the crew of the Titanic. After decades of experience with marriage and family, she still loves Jack more than anything else.)

Animal Farm
(Boxer the horse with the personification of being an old man who is the hardest worker on the farm, is betrayed by the dictating pigs and tricked into going into the trailer of a slaughterhouse truck. His mantra throughout the movie "I will work harder". He keeps kicking the trailer in an attempt to escape as it starts to drive away, but then just stops and accepts his death.)

Stand By Me
(After the whole adventure with the dead body in the woods, the grown up Gordie says that Chris died when he was older trying to save a man. As Gordie narrates the epilogue, Chris as a child disappears as he walks away.)

The Lion King
(If I'm in a certain mood, the scene with the father dying still gets me. A child trying to wake up their dead father is heartbreaking in concept.)

(Geek reference I know but the soundtrack just makes it so sad. Merlin finally finds Nimue in the woods but they are very old and close to death. Merlin uses the last of magic on earth to make them young again)

Requiem For A Dream
(It's definitely a sad movie so I'll add it. But maybe I should consider it more just a downer of a movie. I don't usually cry at the end, more than just feel totally depressed and miserable.)

(Another serious geek reference I know. I haven't seen this movie in soo long but it used to always make me cry. The evil king shares blood with a dragon (with an awesome Scottish accent). If the man kills the evil king, it will also then kill the dragon. The dragon happens to be the very last dragon on earth as well as his friend.)

Million Dollar Baby
(After two very lonely people find each other, one has to help assist the other in dying)

(That fucking stumbling polar bear gets me every single time. It fails at getting food, collapses alone and starving, and then dies. And that's the reality of nature.)

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